Teaching ExperienceMy teaching experience stretches 30 years and includes:UNITED STATES:ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITYThree Ph. D Workshops on leadershipMOOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITYTom McGrath Visiting Writer Series/taught classes in creative writing and did a performance workshopST. BENEDICTS COLLEGEWarner Lecture SpeakerUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-EAU CLAIREPerformance workshops on story writing and actingMINNESOTA COMMUNITY COLLEGEPerformance workshop/ Storytelling and playwriting classesNORMANDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGEPerformance workshop/PlaywritingHOUSTON FINE ARTS CENTERPerformance workshopWALKER ARTS CENTERPerformance workshop/ Playwriting and storytellingBUTTE ARTS CENTERPerformance workshop. Creative writingCOLLEGE OF GREAT FALLSPerformance workshop. Storytelling / How to write a short storyPERSEVERANCE THEATERPerformance workshop/ Creative writingUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTASeveral workshops/ Acting/ Creative writing/Storytelling/PlaywritingMIDDLEBURY COLLEGEInterim theater Instructor/ Creating Theater Through MovementINTERNATIONAL TEACHING:ARTS WORKSHOP-ANTIGUA, Antigua, GuatemalaShort story writingVILLAGE SCHOOL, Brazilian rainforest schoolTaught Kashinawa People to read and write in EnglishSCHOOL FOR CHILDREN AT RISK, Leon, Nicaragua (every child had lost one or both parents to the war) How To Create a StoryTEATRO LA FRAGUA, San Pedro, HondurasPerformance workshop-How to take a story from the page to the stage!INSTITUTEO DEL ARTES, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.Performance workshop/Creative writing